Creating new behavior patterns take practice.
If you implement the Art of the Re-Do, I promise you’ll feel a difference and be on the path to creating sustainable change in your family.
The first step is to interrupt the old pattern. Think of a time recently when you lost your cool. When did you realize you were barreling down the path to disaster but you had no better plan? That’s the moment the Re-Do starts.
Whenever that moment of realization comes and you don’t like what’s happening, STOP IT! I mean literally and physically stop moving. Stop speaking. Stop everything. Then, take a quick personal inventory and think, “Is this what I want to happen? What am I trying to say?” Admit your mistake and ask for a “Re-Do.” Then, have everyone rewind, go back to where they were just moments before, and start over to try again.
The steps are simple, but their power to shift energy is undeniable. What moms love about this is that it gives their brain, and more importantly, their heart, a chance to catch up and consider what they really want to happen next. Here’s an everyday example.
I saw this on the review from the Blogger Revolution Inner Circle. I love this article! I think this would help SO MANY parents! (Myself included). I am going to try this tomorrow when I mess up again 🙂