Mistakes–I make a lot of them. My kids do too. Mistakes are part of being a family. The learning we do within our homes is full of trial and error. How would I have ever learned the difference between powdered sugar and flour if I hadn’t accidentally made a loaf of banana bread using all powdered sugar!?
I only made that mistake once!Mistakes are an inevitable part of our journey, so why not befriend them? If we choose to, each mistake we make gives us the chance to practice becoming more of the person we want to be.
Mistakes are gifts of learning in disguise.
I only made that mistake once!Mistakes are an inevitable part of our journey, so why not befriend them? If we choose to, each mistake we make gives us the chance to practice becoming more of the person we want to be.
Mistakes are gifts of learning in disguise.
Rather than getting stuck in frustration, anger, and guilt try something different this week. Choose to learn from your mistake and try again. Try again from a new perspective, a more confident stance, or place of forgiveness. And when you mess up again, just get up and try it once more.
Failure only occurs when we quit trying.
No one in your house needs you to be perfect so STOP IT!
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